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The Valais canton of Switzerland is located in the south of the country. It is a sovereign canton in the Swiss Confederation since 1815, it is Catholic tradition and as the capital city of Zion, the largest city of the canton with 30 363 inhabitants followed by Monthey, Sierre and Martigny with over 15,000 residents, according to 2010 figures in the Valais. The township is bilingual: French and German are the official languages.

The canton of Valais is located in the south of Switzerland. It corresponds approximately to the upper Rhone valley in the Alps, which extends from the Rhone Glacier to Lake Geneva. The Rhone rises at the foot of the Furka Pass (2431 meters), in a slump forked between the Blauberg and Furkahorn, bordering the cantons of Uri and Valais. The Rhone flows first approximately east-west to Martigny. At this level, the course turns abruptly to the north, forming an elbow. It flows into Lake Geneva after passing a narrow defile in Saint-Maurice. The Valais is located halfway between the Alps, the Pennine Alps, the Lepontine Alps, the Urner Alps and the Bernese Alps. The Valais is a township border. It is bounded on the north by Lake Geneva, Vaud and the canton of Bern, to the east by the cantons of Uri and Ticino. In the south, it shares borders with Italy (Valle d'Aosta and Piedmont) and west with France (Haute-Savoie).

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